“Star Academy”, the castle of Dammarie-lès-Lys is preparing to welcome the new promotion

20 years after the opening of this school like no other, the castle of Dammarie-lès-Lys is back in service. Entirely redecorated up to date, the mythical place which saw the birth of the success of Jenifer, Nolwenn Leroy, Grégory Lemarchal and so many other Academicians aims above all to be a modern, warm and conducive school for creation.

From Saturday 15 October, 13 students, in their twenties, will take over this emblematic place. If some have already taken some singing or dancing lessons, these selected amateur singers among 20,000 young people for their talent and their positive personality all have things to learn or improve.

For two months they will follow lessons who made the success of the Star Academy: singing, dancing, scenic expression, theater (essentially based on improvisation to allow them to express themselves artistically differently) and sport.

Professors at the top of their discipline

Provided by 5 passionate teacherschosen for their expertise in their field, but also for their pedagogical qualities and their inspiring personality, the courses will be completed each week by the intervention of artists from different backgrounds (singers, comedians, youtubers, producers, managers) who will share their experience with students during MasterClass.

Michaël Goldman, co-founder of MyMajorCompany, producer and talent scout, will be the director of Star Academy. At the head of the pedagogical team, he will accompany the students during their training for the orient artistically and help them find their style and the best way to express their talent.

Among the novelties, Sunday dinner where students from previous seasons will come to visit them at the castle to share their experience and give them advice.

Back to basics

As in previous seasons, students, deprived of their laptops, will haveone minute of daily telephone to call their loved ones. To stay focused on their training at the castle, they will also not have access to the internet but will be able to communicate with the public. on social networks by posting content, all framed by the production.

The mechanics of the game remain the same with assessments in song, in dance and perhaps sometimes in theatre, which will be attended by the director and the teaching staff. At the end of the evaluations, there will be a Class Council where the teachers will appoint three or four students. The latter, warned the day after the class council, riskbonus elimination. A nominee will be saved by the public, another by his comrades and the last will be eliminated.

At the end of these 2 months of intense training, the big winner will win €100,000 and a contract with Sony Music Entertainment France for an album.

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