Great start for the star Academy. More than twenty years after the first launch, the show which revealed Jenifer, Nolwenn Leroy, Elodie Frégé or even Grégory Lemarchal has made a comeback. Nikos Aliagas once again took on the role of host and he was more than happy and proud to present the 13 students of this comeback promotion as well as their teachers. The emotion was at its peak. The public was stamping with impatience at the idea of discovering this brand new season of the program. Except that this reunion was marred by some problems… of sound!
As soon as the show started, several microphone problems became known. Viewers struggled to hear Nikos introduce the promo students due to poor sound and a setting that made it difficult to make out his voice amid the applause of the audience. They also made it known on Twitter:Is it me or does the sound suck? Nikos, his microphone is permanently muted too soon”, “Decrease the rear sound and increase those of the microphones, we don’t understand anything”, “Is it me or are there sound problems?”, “The sound doesn’t ‘s not great on the set”, “A music show with such bad sound, it may be complicated for my ears.”