Star Academy: An ex-candidate devastated by the death of a loved one, her heartbreaking tribute

She knows how to handle words as she sings. It is with poetry that Lucie Bernardoni wrote her latest publication. A post in which the finalist of the Star Academy 4 (won by the late Grégory Lemarchal in 2004) unfortunately announced very sad news.

The month of August, generally synonymous with holidays and happiness, was marked by a dark period for the wife of Patrice Maktav. She and her loved ones went through an ordeal a few weeks ago as she revealed to her community. Internet users were first able to discover a tender childhood photo in which Lucie Bernardoni appears with a huge smile. Beside her is her grandfather, slightly lowered to be close to her and with a small smile. If the cliché breathes happiness, the legend is much sadder.

It is indeed to announce the death of his grandfather that Lucie Bernardoni took over her keyboard to pay her a beautiful tribute on September 6, 2022. “I didn’t have your new address, so I’m writing where it will fly to you. The seasons will pass. (…) And I will be in the middle. I will try once more to find my way among the others, people in a hurry, souls a little more lost than the others, I will do it. The best that I can. Trying to forget that my soul was much less lost near you. You calmed her down. You taught me so much. Reading, writing, cycling, politeness, life“, she first wrote.

Lucie Bernardoni then clarified that he had tried to make her like school. A privileged place for him since he was master. “A great gentleman with a child’s soul“who took his last breath”one day in August, a few weeks ago“.”You left as one dreams, beautifully. Merely. An afternoonlike when you took a nap under the arbor when I was little“, continued the young woman who suffers from a genetic disease. It is therefore without her grandfather that she will have to evolve over the seasons, with sometimes painful moments. “We will tell the rain not to come too often. She’s already gone long enough. Kiss my angels of March, April, October and November. And take with you my heart of August. I give it to you. Be happy. In our seasons. To my grandpa. Rein. your granddaughter“, she concluded her beautiful and heartbreaking message.

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