Star Academy: A candidate completely cracks during her assessment and ends in tears

Waiting for the new premium of the star Academy Saturday evening, October 22, at the end of which one of the 13 students will be definitively eliminated, viewers can follow their preparations each evening with the daily newspaper. And this Wednesday, October 19 was a great day for amateur singers as they passed their very first evaluations.

In front of the teaching staff composed of the director Michael Goldmanthe son of Jean-Jacques Goldman, the dancer Yanis Marshall, the singing teacher Adeline Toniuttithe expert in scenic expression Laura Balon and the theater teacher Brauer’s Stone. Each of the candidates had the task of performing a song on the title of their choice, as well as a choreography from two options. The young and sensitive Louis chose to perform on Kid by Eddy de Pretto, whose lyrics are very symbolic for him. And it was felt as he moved the judges but also his comrades, and more particularly Leah.

The 24-year-old Parisian, who has already been reprimanded several times, was overwhelmed by her performance. “When I see Louis sing, it reminds me of things I don’t want to remember. Lots of little teenage worries and I feel like he’s pressing buttons that shouldn’t be touched. And I can’t control what’s going on in my body, in my head“, she explained to the confessional. This is the reason why she started to burst into tears. “I couldn’t control myself. I couldn’t. How you expressed yourself, it’s as if you had released something and so there I can’t do it anymore“, she struggled to articulate to Louis.

Léa unable to pass her assessment

Problem, it was time for Léa to present herself in front of her teachers and unfortunately, she still hadn’t recovered from her emotions. Thus, she was once again subjected to a strong crying fit. “I can’t control my emotions, I thought I was going to last“, she explained to them. Sensitive to her condition, Laure Boulon advised her to come back later. “Get together and when you come back you’re with yourself“, she told him.

Back at the castle, Léa managed to calm down and took the opportunity to share an open-hearted tête-à-tête with Louis. “No one can make me cry, I don’t cry! Me, I have my shell, I’m not supposed to get naked in front of people. All my life, I have my shell and I’m never like that but there you reached me. I’m still shocked at myself. I find myself in fact“, she realized. “On the one hand, I’m super uncomfortable for having made Léa cry, but on the other I’m glad I managed to unlock something in her and that I manage to touch people when I sing“, for his part concluded Louis after the fact. Later, Léa was able to pass her evaluation more serenely.

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