“Star Académie”: stand out while singing

Audrey-Louise, Éloi and Krystel approach their endangerment for the next Variety of “Star Académie”, this Sunday, as a chance to be able to stand out in front of the public.

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After six weeks of shaking at each of the endangerments, the Academicians indeed seem to have understood that it is also a chance to be able to present themselves alone, and to be able to perform a song that resembles them.

Krystel Mongeau had been hoping for a few weeks to be put in evaluation, and in danger, to have the opportunity to work individually with the teachers. “We come to “Star Académie” for that, she noted in an interview. Since the beginning, I sing with artists, I put myself in their musical universe, but now I wanted to show who I am. Being in danger also allows me to know what I have to work on, how to move forward and progress.

After hesitating for a long time, she finally decided to sing “I Won’t Let Go”, by Rascal Flatts. “I felt it was the right week to sing this song, following my daughter’s visit this week. It’s a bit of a promise that I make to him through this text. Even though she doesn’t have her mother with her right now, when I get home, I’m going to be there and I’m going to support her in everything. This song speaks to me a lot.”

another mom

It is also a first endangerment for Audrey-Louise Beauséjour who sees a great challenge to take up with the teachers’ request to add a little more personality to her interpretations.

“I’ve done a lot of roles where I didn’t have to deviate from a certain melody, in a musical, for example,” she said. I took good folds for an actress, less good for an interpreter. I easily tend to imitate or take inspiration from others rather than making my own version.”

After choosing to perform “Love still exists” to defend her place, she worked for several days to find her own phrasing and her own breaths in the song, without listening to Celine Dion’s version. “When you interpret the texts of others, it’s easier to move in their universe rather than to create our own.”

Audrey-Louise was also able to spend time during the week with her five-month-old daughter. “I was really happy to see her, it did me good, it brought me a lot of happiness. At the same time, I don’t feel ready to go home right away. In fact, his visit gave me all the energy to continue until the end.

Quiet strength

Éloi Cummings is a quiet force, despite his 16 years. This second endangerment did not make him bend, even if the announcement was difficult to collect. “I expected it, but there is always a stress of thinking that we could leave quickly, he confided. Since the beginning of the week, I have been repeating to myself that I have two out of three chances of staying.

The Madelinot has spared no effort to work on the things pointed out by the teachers. “I hadn’t worked enough last week. I haven’t been 100% in my business, but I don’t think that will happen again. It should never have happened, actually. I got really into work. I want to be totally ready for every Variety, and I put in all the effort it takes.”

To convince the public and the teachers to keep it, he will sing “The ballad of Irving Whale” by Zachary Richard. “It’s a song that I had already done in evaluation. She talks about my corner of the country, the Magdalen Islands. I know all this part of the history of the song, it allows me to be more inside for the interpretation.

If he says he is a little anxious about the outcome of Variety, he said he was very happy to have been able to show his parents around the Academy this week. “I don’t want to leave right away, but receiving them at the Academy, with us, it really did me good. Being able to give them a hug gives me a boost for the weeks to come.”

See also

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