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This increase could also concern the beginnings of a career.
Soon a salary increase for civil servants? The Minister of Transformation and Public Service Stanislas Guerini announced Thursday, May 4 on France 2 that he would meet the trade unions before the summer to discuss it. “We must be able to sit around the table in the next few days. I won’t wait for the summer, I think it’s more a matter of days and weeks rather than a few months”, he specified. According to him, the unions had asked the government to “let the 1st of May pass”.
For the trade unions, with whom the government must hold discussions on the “major projects” for the public service throughout the first half of 2023, the discussion on wages is one of the priorities. Faced with inflation of nearly 6%, the thaw of the index point (common remuneration base for the 5.7 million public officials), revalued by 3.5% at the start of the summer, is denounced as insufficient. by the eight representative unions of civil servants.
The minister also pointed out that “the minimum wage for all civil servants” been “realigned” with the Smic with its last revaluation of May 1st. “But I was very clear with the trade unions, I told them that this alignment with the minimum wage is obviously not for the balance of all accounts”, he added, thus opening the door to negotiations. Another subject should be put on the table: that of salary increases “from the early years” in the public service for “not to freeze the beginnings of a career too much”.