The Minister of Transformation and the Civil Service, Stanislas Guerini, announced on Saturday on franceinfo special bonuses for civil service agents mobilized during the Olympic and Paralympic Games this summer.
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“There will be a very consistent bonus system of 500, 1,000, 1,500 euros for all public agents who will be on the ground”, depending on the degree of their mobilization during the Olympic Games, announced Stanislas Guerini, Minister of Transformation and Public Service on franceinfo Saturday March 9. The minister thus responds to the CGT, which in recent days has requested “immediate measures” in government. Thursday Sophie Binet, the union’s general secretary, threatened on franceinfo to file a strike notice at the beginning of April in the public service.
Universal service employment checks from 200 to 350 euros
The amount of the bonus will depend on several criteria. For example, whether or not we delete “all days off during the entire Olympic period”. “Will there be a surplus of activity ahead of the Games?”, adds Stanislas Guerini. Thus, may be concerned “agents in consulates, because there are visas to be issued, they could be police officers” also, he gives as an example.
“An additional special device for the security forces who will be particularly mobilized” is planned, he specifies. Stanislas Guerini also mentions “processes for adapting their paid leave days to put them in a time savings account” and the lifting of the ceiling on teleworking days for all agents “impacted” by the Olympics.
“We will also support families”And “we are going to create 10,000 universal service employment vouchers” to the height of “200 euros” per child. “And 350 euros per child for single-parent families”. The minister will meet the unions next Tuesday, “as part of monthly meetings at interministerial level with the unions”he says.