Stade Toulousain regains color against Montpellier (35-10)

Defeat now seems behind Stade Toulousain. The Reds and Blacks have brings down Montpellier (35-10) this Sunday evening, in a late match of the 15th day of Top 14. A great success against the leader which allows them to move up to 5th place in the standings.

The Toulousains started the match with a bang, with a try scored 50 seconds after kick-off by Juan Cruz Mallia. The Montpellier awakening is almost immediate. In the 8th minute, Gabriel Ngandebe flattened in the Toulouse in-goal, before the trial is ultimately cancelled.

The rest of the first period was marked by the technical waste of Toulouse, who came up against the Montpellier defence. Maxime Medard still allows the Red and Blacks to take a little air before the break by scoring the 90th try of his career in Top 14 (13-3). The try is not transformed because Zack Holmes does not shoot in time.

First try for Martin Page-Relo

In the second half, Toulouse widen the gap. The Gers scrum-half Martin Page-Relo scores the first try of his career in the Top 14 (21-3). Montpellier responds with a power try from Robert Rodgers. This is not enough for the Héraultais who wasted several ammunition throughout the meeting.

Lucas Tauzin scores the offensive bonus try in the 76th minute, Baptiste Germain secures it in the 78th with a new try.

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Toulouse regained color this Sunday evening against the leader of the Top 14. This victory Completely relaunch the Stadium in the race for the play-offs. With 53 points, they are in direct competition with LOU and Castres Olympique, their next two opponents. The end of the season promises to be exciting, with the return of the internationals. First date next Sunday at 9:05 p.m. for Lyon’s reception at Ernest-Wallon.

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