Stade Rochelais wins at home against Bath with the offensive bonus 39 to 21

3rd day of Champions Cup : after a victory over Glasgow on the first day of the big European Cup, and a draw on the green carpet on the second day, Stade Rochelais won against the English of Bath 39 to 21.

39 to 0, then three attempts by the English in five minutes!

The Maritimes delivered a good performance before the hour mark, scoring the offensive bonus, including a double from Rémi Picquette, but completely relaxed after the 60th minute. The English scored three tries in 5 minutes, spoiling the party a bit. A less solid defense, with the entry of substitutes.

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With this success, the people of La Rochelle remain undefeated for the moment in this group stage., and will have to travel to Glasgow next Saturday.

With 11 points in 3 games, Stade Rochelais is currently second in Pool A behind Racing 92, leader and already qualified for the 8th finals. Racing won the Ospreys on Saturday 25-10. The Maritimes are on track to qualify too, we will have to wait for the results of the last matches of this third day, but also the last trip of the group stage to Glasgow next Saturday . The Glasgow Warriors crushed 52 to 17 on the lawn of Exeter. In the other group we will remember the defeat of Toulouse at Wasps 30 to 22. The Toulouse European champions are 6th.

It was in any case Marcel Deflandre’s 10th Champions Cup match for La Rochelle. In its young history in this great European Cup, Stade Rochelais signs an 8th victory against Bath.

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