Stade Laval wins the N3 derby against Changé, US Laval basketball finally wins

The B team of Stade lavallois a tight derby in National 3 against US Changé (1-0). however, in the first act, the Changes seemed above the Tango. The locals even received the amounts but their efforts were not rewarded.

Bertrand Girard’s players may well put the impact, the intensity, it was the young proteges of Sébastien Desmazeau who took the advantage. On a billiard shot in the area, Sofiane Barroug found a head for Dembo Sylla. If the latter was beautifully repulsed by the goalkeeper changer, John Da appeared to push the ball into the net.

If they pushed at the end of the game, the Changéens could not pick up and the derby returned to the Gandonnières.

US Laval Basket recovers

Laval made short work of the Avenir Serreslousiens Colombins Horsarrois this Saturday (94-72). A victory that is good for the standings and for the heads of Sébastien Cartier’s players. The Mayenne coach was delighted to find a team that knew how to play collectively, “which made the ball travel and showed desire for rebounds”.

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