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The violence that took place in front of the Stade de France on Saturday May 28 took on a political dimension, after Gérald Darmanin questioned English supporters.
The declarations of the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, about the overflows which occurred during the final of the Champions League, Saturday May 28, are decried in the United Kingdom. He indeed claimed that British supporters with counterfeit tickets had prevented access to the Stade de France. “The MP for a Liverpool constituency, who was in Paris at the game on Saturday night, even speaks of, quote, ‘a bed of lies aimed at blaming England fans'”reports journalist Maëlys Septembre, live from London (United Kingdom), Monday, May 30.
Britain’s technology minister said there was no justification for the attitude of the French police, and called for an investigation by UEFA. “Many voices are rising today in the UK demanding an official apology from the French authorities and UEFA”concludes Maëlys Septembre.