“Stability” means a Prime Minister from the NFP and “accepted by all components” of the left, defines Alexis Corbière

“The extreme right is too strong to allow itself the irresponsible luxury of division,” believes the MP who, despite his dissent, promises to sit with the MPs of the New Popular Front.


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The various left-wing MP (LFI dissident) Alexis Corbière, August 24, 2024. (LOU BENOIST / AFP)

“We want to smile when the President of the Republic tells us that he wants to maintain stability. This man is a fireworks master, an actor of instability”estimates Monday July 8 on franceinfo Alexis Corbière, dissident deputy of Seine-Saint-Denis, reelected Sunday evening against a candidate invested by the New Popular Front (NFP) and La France insoumise. He reacts to the remarks of Emmanuel Macron who asked Gabriel Attal to remain Prime Minister “for the moment in order to ensure the stability of the country”, while the latter handed in his resignation this morning.

“He is a man who is quite irresponsible in several respects”continues Alexis Corbière, denouncing the idea “crazy” of the President to dissolve the National Assembly. “Stability must be born from coherence. Who is the largest group? It is the Popular Front and it goes without saying that it is within the NFP that the next Prime Minister must be found.”says the MP who, abandoned by his camp, nevertheless promises to sit with the NFP MPs so that there is “a large Popular Front group”.

“The Prime Minister must be accepted by all components of the New Popular Front, no one is going to impose anything on anyone or else it won’t work”assures Alexis Corbière. He calls on everyone to be responsible, “No one can say that I am the Popular Front”he insists, in a nod to Jean-Luc Mélenchon who had declared “I am the Republic”. “The extreme right is too strong to afford the irresponsible luxury of division”summarizes Alexis Corbière.

The MP calls for “a quiet debate” within La France Insoumise”, the group which has “the least progressed compared to the general progression of the left” and recognizes “mistakes”. “The La France Insoumise group, and sometimes Jean-Luc Mélenchon, shook up the Nupes in an unnecessary way and created the conditions for its break-up. We must not do that again.”warns Alexis Corbière.

“The country is in a state of turbulence and crisis and anger”notes the Seine-Saint-Denis MP who warns against “any tinkering that would consist of marrying the carp and the rabbit to implement a policy of continuity”. “People want things to change, there needs to be clarity otherwise it is an additional step offered to the extreme right”summarizes Alexis Corbière.

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