Stabbed by her companion, a pregnant woman makes a radical decision and jumps out of the window

This Sunday, February 13, 2022, around 10 p.m., a pregnant woman in her twenties was stabbed twice by her companion. The facts took place in Ivry-la-Bataille, in Eure. Injured and in shock, this mother chose to escape her husband’s wrath by jumping out of the window of her apartment on the first floor. She was then taken to the hospital. According to the latest information from La Dépêche, his vital prognosis would not be engaged.

For his part, the attacker was also admitted to the emergency room. After the escape of his companion, the latter would then have entrusted his eldest to the neighbors before mutilating himself. Our colleagues report that he would suffer from significant injuries, but his condition would now be stable. The gendarmerie would have opened an investigation.

If the young woman had the chance to get out of it, the collective “Femicide by spouse or ex-spouse” identified more than 100 feminicides on French territory during the year 2021. “All territories are concerned, in particular regions where there is a high population density, such as Île-de-France”confided Magali Mazuy, a sociologist at INED specializing in gender violence, to France Inter last November.

Among the victims, the group notes that the most affected age group is between 30 and 49 years old. “It’s an age when people have children, are in a relationship, and separate. That is to say where all the risk factors associated with feminicide are brought together. » According to France Inter, the context of separation would be one of the first factors of feminicides in France. “It’s very clear: men kill women who want to leave, women kill men who don’t want to let them go and who exercise violence on them”, concludes the sociologist. An alarming finding.

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