St. Lawrence | 18-year-old man arrested in connection with terrorist activities

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) arrested an 18-year-old young man in Saint-Laurent on Thursday morning for fear that he would soon pose acts related to terrorism. It was the American FBI who alerted the Canadian police to this subject.

“Thanks to information shared by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), RCMP officers arrested 18-year-old Mohamed Amine Assal of Saint-Laurent this morning. This police operation was intended to disrupt the suspicious activities of Mr. Assal and that he undertakes not to disturb public order,” the RCMP said in a press release.

The suspect is due to appear before a judge on Thursday. The Crown will ask him to agree to a series of conditions under section 810 of the Criminal Code, which allows someone to be taken to court when there are grounds to believe they are about to to commit a crime.

“Following a brief investigation by the Integrated National Security Enforcement Team (INSET), the RCMP had reasonable grounds to fear the possibility of an individual committing terrorism offences. The investigation is continuing and all the evidence will be analyzed. Charges could be filed later, ”says the police force.

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