Squirrels aren’t just nut specialists, they’re geniuses too.

In fact, he is obliged to put his food aside, because unlike groundhogs, he does not hibernate. If he wants to eat all winter, he must store as much food as possible. While other beasties pile up all their reserves in a single hiding place, the squirrel, very cautious, even bordering on paranoid, distributes his everywhere. He would manage to accumulate and hide more than 3000 nuts, seeds and nuts every year. And the craziest thing is that he generally knows where the 3000 hideouts are. This is what a Californian researcher found.

Not only is he able to memorize the location of each hiding place, but he also remembers what he put there, after having done a rigorous selective sorting! His strategy for finding his small caches is called by scientists the…

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