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Since February 1, a new law has made it easier for owners who are victims of squatters to recover their property, with the help of a bailiff. But they can also get rid of the problem, by turning to companies that buy back squatted housing.
If he dresses in pink, he says, it is to ease tensions. Yann Collet, founder of Squat Solutions, is an entrepreneur with shocking methods. He buys squatted housing, then evicts the occupants. In the Paris region that afternoon, he went to a house occupied for five years by a Ukrainian family. He wants the squatters to leave voluntarily and even offers to pay them to achieve his ends. His goal : recover the accommodation amicably, without going through a long eviction procedure.
The system is well run. The entrepreneur buys the occupied accommodation from the owner at a steep discount, between 30 and 50% of the market price. Then he takes care himself of the eviction of the illegal occupants by proposing a remuneration. He can then resell the property at a significant profit. In France for a year, a law allows the State to evict a squatter from a main residence within 72 hours. After this period, you must go to court.