SPVM operations blitz | Ten suspects arrested, eleven firearms seized

Ten suspects, eleven firearms, “hundreds” of ammunition. Montreal police announced Friday that they have completed a new anti-weapons blitz in the past few days, following a series of searches carried out in several boroughs and suburban towns of the metropolis.

Posted at 1:15 p.m.

Henri Ouellette-Vezina

Henri Ouellette-Vezina
The Press

In total, four separate operations were held between February 6 and 10. The first was held last Sunday, around 8:45 p.m. At that time, patrol officers said they noticed “three individuals with strange behavior” at the corner of Saint-André and Ontario streets, in Ville-Marie.

During their arrest, one of these individuals, who was carrying a “loaded firearm”, then tried to flee on foot, without succeeding.

Once the situation was under control, a search of the vehicle in which the individuals were traveling was carried out. The agents then “seized a second handgun, a magazine, a machete, retractable knives, cayenne pepper and equipment used to steal vehicles”, reports the SPVM. The three men, one of whom is 20 years old and the other two 19 years old, were then apprehended.

Two days later, on Tuesday, another search targeting a drug trafficker was carried out in a dwelling in Place Newman, in Côte-des-Neiges–Notre-Dame-de-Grâce. “In addition to crack and heroin, the investigators seized a loaded revolver. Two suspects aged 19 and 29 were apprehended, ”details the police force.

A report for domestic violence

The next day, around 1 a.m., patrol officers intervened after a “report of domestic violence” at 911, in the Saint-Laurent sector. When they arrived in front of the accommodation, rue Frenette, the officers “saw the attacker pushing the victim”.

“After managing to enter the residence, the police arrested the 41-year-old suspect and discovered five handguns,” police said, noting that the investigators then “obtained a search warrant. raid to search the accommodation and found a semi-automatic rifle, a shotgun, a gun silencer and hundreds of ammunition of various calibers”.

This series of searches ended on Thursday, February 10, with a large police operation “targeting armed individuals”, coordinated by the Multisectoral Team Dedicated to Firearms (EMAF). At that time, four suspects aged between 19 and 26 were arrested, following searches “conducted in Mascouche, Laval, Châteauguay and in the boroughs of LaSalle and Saint-Laurent.

“A handgun, ammunition, two compressed air guns, narcotics, cash and equipment used for car theft” were then seized. The police also got their hands on “four vehicles stolen by the suspects”.

Recalling that public collaboration is “important” in the fight against armed violence, the authorities invite anyone with information related to a gender file to contact 911, their neighborhood station or the anonymous and confidential center of ‘Info-Crime Montreal, by dialing 514-393-1133.

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