Spraynet on tour | A new musical show for Rita Baga

After his “one-drag-show” CreatureRita Baga unveiled on Monday the tour of her first musical show, Spraynetwhich will be presented across Quebec, starting in February 2025.

With this new show, Jean-François Guevremont (aka Rita Baga) puts the lipsync songs that he has long performed in cabarets and on television. Because the performer will lend his own voice to hits from the 1980s, and to his musical creations. Spraynet will therefore highlight the unique voice of the flamboyant Montreal drag queen.

Accompanied by a group of five musicians, under the musical direction of Jacob Roberge (Star Academy 2021), Rita Baga will revisit several French and English hits from the new-wave decade, in an atmosphere of partyThe show will also feature original songs that will be found on Rita Baga’s first album, which will be released in winter 2025.

“I’ve been singing since I was 6 years old! First, in a choir, then in singing classes in high school, then in musicals at Cégep… Singing and music have always occupied an important place in my life, but my passion for drag made me put them aside,” said the artist, in a press release.

The title Spraynet remember the movie Hairspray by John Waters, and its star Divine, a famous drag queen of the 1980s who paved the way for Mado, Barbada, Gisèle Lullaby and other artists of the current drag scene.

The Quebec tour of Spraynet will begin on February 7, 2025 at the Odyssée Hall in Gatineau. It will also visit the Olympia in Montreal on February 26; the André-Mathieu Hall in Laval on March 21; and the Albert-Rousseau Hall in Quebec City on May 21.

Visit Rita Baga’s website

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