Video length: 4 mins.
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The journalist Samuel Ollivier, present on the set of 8 Hours, Thursday, May 4, is interested in athletes who have also been singers, and offers a blind test on this occasion.
Some athletes have also made music. Journalist Samuel Ollivier, present on the set of 8 Heures, Thursday May 4, is interested in them by offering a blind test. The first title dates from 1991, and is performed by footballers Basile Boli and chris Waddle. It’s called We’ve got a feeling. The second is a track by Tony Parker called Balance yourselfreleased in 2007 in the basketball player’s album. We also found in this album duets with Booba and Soprano.
Florence Arthaud, a sailor who also sang
The third title put forward by Samuel Ollivier was sung by navigator Florence Arthaud and singer Pierre Bachelet in 1989. A song titled Flo. Singing was a real test for Florence Arthaud. “The first few times, I was shaking like a leaf, and then now it’s much better, I’m used to it. But I was terrified, I thought I was going to pass out from fear”said the navigator at the time.