Video length: 4 mins.
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To hold up during competitions, athletes must have excellent physical condition, but also sometimes faith. Thus, chaplains are often accredited to major competitions. They will be ten at the Paris Olympics, including a Frenchman. Meeting with Joel Thibault.
It’s a leap into the deep end for Pierre Rabine, swimmer. That day, the sportsman practices his last training in Limoges (Haute-Vienne). The young hopeful of disabled swimming, having had his four limbs amputated, is taking part in his first World Cup. In the stands, they have their eyes riveted on him: his parents and his chaplain, Joël Thibault. Protestant pastor, he met the swimmer after his accident. “He was in a discovery of the Christian faith and so we connected to be able to share, pray together”says Joel Thibault.
Behind the scenes
Pierre Rabine was struck down by an electric arc of 63,000 volts four years ago. It is in swimming and faith that he finds his salvation. For ten years, Joël Thibault has accompanied athletes in their quest for spirituality. Before becoming a pastor, Joël Thibault was himself a top athlete. Today, he recounts in a book behind the scenes and the loneliness of champions.