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Well-being applications allow, among other things, to calculate your number of steps. The 13 Hours wanted to know if they are effective from a health point of view.
Health applications are increasingly popular. They encourage walking and calculate the number of steps. “It’s nice, it allows you to say that you’re doing sports, it’s positive”describes a passerby. “I try to do 5,000 and I watch every night”says another. The start-up weward launched an application that contains a pedometer and rewards for efforts. “It is believed to be healthy for body, mind and planet.”says Yves Benchimopresident of the start-up.
Addictive apps?
Users of these apps increased their uptime by 24%. The World Health Organization recommends an average of 10,000 steps per day. “These applications must not become addictive (…) He do not want to go from 3,000 to 10,000 steps per day without preparation, otherwise you will get hurt“, warns Doctor Nicolas Barizianof the Medical Institute sport-health.