Sport allergic to French

After the bogus excuses used by the communications director of the Maritimes Quebec Junior Hockey League (QMJHL) concerning the refusal to impose clothing displaying French, which we could read in The duty of March 28, we can only see that Quebec sports delegations are doing everything to align themselves with our neighbors to the South.

You would have to be crazy to think that the QMJHL did not suspect the repercussions that its English-speaking jerseys could have and that this would not provoke any reaction in the public square. Indeed, last November, Quebec player from the Montreal Alouettes Marc-Antoine Dequoy deplored the lack of effort by the Canadian Football League to integrate French during the Gray Cup. Even though the tournament took place outside Quebec borders, this action was widely criticized. The QMJHL could therefore have suspected that a similar event could cause controversy here, right? With that in mind, she still prefers to highlight English, with the sole aim of resembling her American equivalents.

We keep repeating that the preservation of the French language requires the education of young people. The QMJHL could at least have thought that the number of young people who aspire to play in the big leagues is enormous and that these future players are constantly influenced by the actions and values ​​conveyed by the league. Gestures like this only encourage future generations to abandon the battle to protect French.

Does the QMJHL think itself above the laws of Quebec and therefore authorized to have a pass like this? The Office québécois de la langue française must be strict, otherwise the battle is already lost.

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