Speed ​​Skating World Cup | No warranty for Laurent Dubreuil

Forced to leave the world sprint championships after testing positive for COVID-19 last week, Lévis speed skater Laurent Dubreuil is currently in the final stage of a race against time in order to be able to participate in the final the World Cup.

Posted yesterday at 8:39 p.m.

A silver medalist in the 1,000m and fourth in the 500m at the Beijing Olympics, Dubreuil is currently first in the World Cup standings in the 500m with 420 points, 69 ahead of Japan’s Wataru Morishige with two more races to go. at the end of the week. He is also sixth in the 1000m with 137 points, seven behind Norway’s Håvard Holmefjord Lorentzen, currently third, with one race to go.

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