Speed ​​skating: third consecutive title for Dubois

With four victories in six races, Steven Dubois was imperial at the Canadian Speed ​​Skating Championships which came to an end yesterday in Quebec City.

• Read also: Maxime Laoun is back in force

• Read also: Dubreuil faster than in Beijing

Even before the presentation of the last event of the short track selections, Dubois was guaranteed to sign a third consecutive national title.

“This title is more satisfying than the other two because the caliber is so high,” said the three-time Olympic medalist. It was harder to win. It was more of a big physical and mental challenge and that’s why we compete. »

“Because my overall victory was assured before the last race, I didn’t want to put myself in danger,” continued Dubois. I wanted to avoid finding myself in tough situations with skaters who were playing their season. »

Dubois is surprised by his harvest.

“I didn’t expect to win four races out of six,” he admitted. During the first day, we exchanged victories, me and Pascal. The further the championship progressed, the more confidence I had in my legs. »

Fast timer

Dubois was particularly pleased with his time of 40.05s in the 500m yesterday.

“The ice was really not fast compared to that of the Maurice-Richard arena,” he said. Such a time confirms that it is likely to go well in the World Cup. I will be able to use my legs and be aggressive. »

Second overall, Pascal Dion was not disappointed.

“It would have been fun to win the Canadian title, but at the level we are at, the goal is to win on the international stage,” he explained. I had some great races and others where I was unlucky. I crashed once and lost all my speed on another occasion when Jordan [Pierre-Gilles] fell in front of me. I also tried new strategies by being more patient at the back of the peloton and that cost me a few places. »

Like Dubois, Dion feels the ice wasn’t fast.

“Because we were skating on dry ice, it was slower and broke more easily,” he explained. The ice was more fragile and it becomes more difficult to pass. During the last race, Steven protected his lead well, but it was more difficult to overtake because of the ice. »


Nothing suggested that Maxime Laoun would finish the selections in third place after a first day where he fell once and was disqualified on another occasion. After two races, he was in 13th place.

“I made a nasty comeback,” he said. I still have to fine-tune details, but I see a good improvement compared to last year. In addition to the top 6 for the World Cup, I wanted to finish in the top 3 to qualify for the Four Continents Championship in Salt Lake City. »

“It’s disappointing not to have added a medal in the last race, but I tried to overtake which did not work, adds Laoun, who won his first gold medal in selections, Saturday, in the 1000 Mr. Afterwards, I didn’t want to interfere in the fight between the guys who were fighting for a place in the World Cup. »

Bronze medalist in the last race, Félix Roussel rose to fourth place overall. Matthew
Pelletier finished in fifth place and William Dandjinou jumped from ninth to sixth position by virtue of his fourth place in the A final of the 1000m.

♦ We will now have to see the decision of Speed ​​Skating Canada regarding the request for medical exemption from Jordan Pierre-Gilles, who injured his ankle on Friday after a violent fall and who had to withdraw.

A victory by dust for Valérie Maltais

The Olympian says she is disappointed with her 1500m, she who slowed down at the end

Canadian champion for a third consecutive year, Steven Dubois (yellow helmet) beat Maxime Laoun (blue helmet) to win the 500m event held yesterday.  He finished the selections with four wins from six races.

Photo QMI Agency, René Baillargeon

Valérie Maltais won by dust in the mass start event at the conclusion of the Canadian championship.

The photo finish was necessary to determine which of Maltais or Maddison Pearman had crossed the finish line first. The deviation was 0.005 s.

“I didn’t know I had won when I crossed the line,” admitted Maltais, who finished sixth at the Beijing Olympics in the same event. I was relieved when they announced that I was first. I wanted victory. »

“I accelerated at the end, but I didn’t give it my all to pursue the pride of La Baie. I didn’t expect Maddison to come back so quickly and I made a small mistake. »

By winning the first two intermediate sprints, Maltais finished with 68 points compared to 40 for Pearman. Béatrice Lamarche completed the podium, her third of the nationals.

The absence of Ivanie Blondin changed the game. Silver medalist in the mass start in Beijing, the Franco-Ontarian was preselected for the World Cup and did not start.

“I won the gold, but it’s more the silver given the absence of Ivanie, underlined Maltais with a smile. I am happy with my race. I can’t wait to do a mass start again and I believe I can break through on the international scene. »


Also qualified for the World Cup in the 3000m and 5000m events, Maltais wanted to offer a better performance in the 1500m, where she finished in sixth place on Saturday evening.

“Before the nationals, I told you that I was in good shape, but not at my best and I had proof of it. It’s a slap in the face that reminds me that the season has started again. My intentions weren’t clear this summer, but I’m going to do a good training block again. We’re leaving for Spain in two weeks for a bike camp. »

“I’m disappointed because I know I could have done better, to add the silver medalist in the short track 3000m relay at the Sochi Games in 2014. I ran out of speed due to a problem of execution. I was focused on my technique and I lacked intensity. In practice, I was two seconds faster on my first lap. It was a bad day at a bad time. »

Mechanical breakage

In good position to stand on the podium at the time of his fall, Antoine Gélinas-Beaulieu even believed he could win, had it not been for his bad luck.

“I had the energy and the juice to join Graeme Fish, but I had a mechanical failure, he explained. I accelerated with one lap to go to catch up with the leader and had the speed to overtake him. Connor Howe [l’éventuel vainqueur] was behind me and I think I was faster than him, but we’ll never know. »

Although he did not finish in the top three, Gélinas-Beaulieu believes in his chances of being selected for his favorite World Cup event.

“I’m in a very, very good position. I have to wait for the decision of the high performance committee, but the odds are on my side. I have met all other criteria. »

Boutin finishes strong and takes the Canadian title

With two wins to close the nationals, Kim Boutin made up for her overall deficit and won the Canadian title ahead of Courtney Sarault.

Involved in a fall in the 1,500 m on Saturday, along with Danaé Blais, the Sherbrooke skater came back strong by winning gold in the 500 m and 1,000 m where her outside overtaking sealed her victory. She raised her arms and clenched her fists as she crossed the finish line in the final event of the day.

“I spoiled myself in the last race, imagined Boutin about his overtaking. I was racing tactically and my times weren’t the best, but I had a big punch at the end. It’s fun to win the Canadian title and it feels good. »

Challenge met

Beyond the title and his three victories in six races, Boutin had specific objectives when he showed up in Quebec.

“My challenge was to work on my weaknesses and I think I rose to it. I wanted to work on my overtaking by better controlling the gaps. It will prepare me well for the international races. I made a few small mistakes, but I will remember them and not repeat them. »

Involved in a big fall, Saturday, in the company of Danaé Blais, Boutin suffered from a contusion on one arm, but that had no impact on her performance.

First before the last day, Courtney Sarault finished second in the overall standings. With two victories in the 1,500m, Ontario’s Renee Steenge takes third place and earns her ticket to the World Cup for the first time in her career. Rounding out the World Cup squad will be Claudia Gagnon, who will be making a comeback after missing out on Olympic selection last year, New Brunswick’s Rikki Doak and Danaé Blais, who suffered two falls in the final week after winning bronze in the first 1,500m on Friday.

The top six skaters in the standings qualified for the World Cup. The absence of Olympians Florence Brunelle and Alyson Charles from the selections opened the door to new faces. However, we could see them again during the World Cup stages next winter.

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