Speed ​​Skating: Canada’s Women’s Team Wins Pursuit Gold in Calgary

The National Women’s Pursuit Team climbed to the top of the podium and set a Canadian record at the Long Track Speed ​​Skating World Cup in Calgary on Saturday.

Saguenéenne Valérie Maltais and her two Ottawa teammates Ivanie Blondin and Isabelle Weidemann covered the distance in 2: 52.06.

This is the third consecutive victory for the Canadian team at the events of the World Cup. Japan was second in 2: 52.89 and China third in 2: 58.42.

Earlier today, Canada’s Connor Howe captured his first World Cup medal as he claimed silver in the 1,500-meters.

Howe recorded his best personal mark with a time of 1: 42.42.

“It was very exciting for me, especially because it was at home,” said Howe, who relied on the support of his family and friends. It was a more familiar environment. I was confident here so that is clearly a positive factor. “

This result sent Howe to third in the World Cup standings. He will have to collect points to qualify over this distance for the Beijing Olympics in February.

Howe started the last lap in the lead, but slowed down and had to settle for the money. American Joey Mantia won the race in 1: 41.86.

Norway’s Allan Dahl Johansson won bronze in 1: 43.27.

In the women’s 1000 meters, Japan’s Nao Kodaira won the race in 1: 12.51, ahead of American Brittany Bowe and Russian Olga Fatkulina respectively. Maltais was the top ranked Canadian and finished 18th.

Dutch skater Albertus Hoolwerf won the men’s mass start in 7: 38.88. The Belgian Bart Swing was the second to finish the race and the German Felix Rijhnen took the third place.

Torontonian Jordan Belchos took seventh place and Sherbrookois Antoine Gélinas-Beaulieu finished eighth.

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