Speeches by Putin and Biden, record number of days without rain in France, Macron defends his pension reform at Rungis…

Around Céline Asselot, the informed debate the news of Tuesday, February 21, 2023.

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Reading time : < 1 min.

The themes :

– War in Ukraine : Joe Biden and Vladimir Poutine, two camps, two speeches

– Drought : record number of days without rain, should we prepare now for a difficult summer?

– Pensions: at the Rungis market, Emmanuel Macron defends his reform with the French “who work early”

– Purchasing power: towards a “new gesture” on diesel? TotalEnergies under pressure from the executive

The informed:

Patrick LeHyariccolumnist at l’Humanité

Ariane Ahamadiexpert in political communication

Jean-Sebastien Ferjoufounder and director of Atlantico.fr

Guillaume Labbezcommunicator, founder of CommStrat

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