The guests of this Kantara special cinema edition:
Director Nabil Ayouch one of the leaders of the new Moroccan cinema, De Gaulle Eid Lebanese producer director living in Bastia, maati kabbal Moroccan literary critic who participates in the competition of film schools, and Mahi Binebin Moroccan sculptor painter and writer.
to find the 1st issue of this Kantara magazine from Bastia at the Arte Mare Festival.
– jerome susini
The Kantara team would like to thank Dominique Landron (France Bleu RCFM) for his expertise in cinema.
- Inter Channel, Morocco: Nadira Belkhoutout
- Radio Lebanon 96.2: Nanette Ziadé
- Radio Cairo: Dina Abdelmeguid
- Radio Tunis International Channel: Probes Ben Khalifa
- Radio Exterior de Espagna: Inès Azagra.
- FB RCFM: Jérôme Susini