Special Christophe Galtier

Sports adviser Luis Campos submitted the name Christophe Galtier to President Nasser Al-Khelaïfi. The latter is in full reflection. Another coach, whose name has not been filtered, is also on this shortlist.

As a reminder, Christophe Galtier still has 2 years of contract with the Riviera club. He had been recruited by the OGCN at Losc for a transfer fee of 4 million euros.

Luis Campos and Christophe Galtier know each other well, they worked together in Lille. In the North, a relationship of trust was forged between the two men before the Portuguese left the club, to the great regret of “Galette”.

Tonight in 100% PSG, the magazine:

guest of the day : Antoine Morin, sports journalist and commentator

The debates of the day : Christophe Galtier at PSG: for or against? Are we disrespecting him?

100% PSG is also a file that includes all the news of the club and all the meetings of France Bleu Paris: find every morning at 8:34 100% PSG, the ticket, every evening 100% PSG, the mag’ at 6 p.m. and every Monday 100% PSG, the grandstand.

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