Spanish writer Javier Marías died of pneumonia at the age of 70

Spanish author Javier Marías, who was also a publisher, translator and journalist, died on Sunday September 11 in Madrid from pneumonia, his publishing house announced.

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France Televisions

Writing Culture


Reading time : 1 min.

The Spanish writer Javier Marías, whose work has been translated into more than 40 languages ​​and in nearly 60 countries, died Sunday in Madrid at the age of 70 following pneumonia, announced his house of ‘editing.

With enormous sadness, on behalf of us and the family, we regret to announce that our great author and friend Javier Marías passed away this afternoon in Madrid.“, said in a press release his publishing house, Alfaguara, specifying that he was suffering “since a few weeks“pneumonia”which has worsened in recent hours“.

Author of dozens of novels, short stories and essays, Javier Marías, who was also an editor, translator and journalist, published notably with Rivages editions The Sentimental Man (1986), A heart so white (1992) and Dtomorrow in battle think of me (1994) but also Like the loves (2011) at Gallimard.

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