Spanish justice refuses to pardon Carles Puigdemont and maintains arrest warrant

On May 30, the Spanish parliament passed an amnesty law for Catalan independence supporters, the price that Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez had to pay to be returned to power in November.


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Carles Puigdemont in Argelès-sur-Mer (Pyrénées-Orientales) on May 4, 2024. (JOSEP LAGO / AFP)

The Spanish Supreme Court, the highest judicial body in the country, refused, Monday July 1, to grant amnesty to independence leader Carles Puigdemont, in exile since the aborted secession attempt of Catalonia in 2017, and maintained the mandate of arrest aimed at him.

Judge Pablo LLaena “returned today [lundi] a judgment in which he declares the amnesty not applicable to the offense of embezzlement in the case targeting the former president of the Catalan Generalitat Carles Puigdemont”, specified the court in its decision, made public Monday, stressing that the arrest warrant against him therefore remained in force. This decision may be appealed within three days from notification to the parties, the document adds.

On May 30, the Spanish parliament adopted an amnesty law for Catalan separatists, the price that socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez had to pay to be returned to power in November thanks to the support of the two Catalan separatist parties, which demanded this measure in return. The law was promulgated on June 11.

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