Spanish justice closes terrorism case against Catalan independence activist Carles Puigdemont

Other prosecutions still target the Catalan independence activist, in exile since 2017, after the failure of the region’s attempt at secession.


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Catalan independence activist Carles Puigdemont, May 10, 2024 in Elna (Pyrénées-Orientales).  (MATTHIEU RONDEL / AFP)

Another step on the long road to amnesty. The Spanish Supreme Court announced on Tuesday, July 9, its decision to close a case concerning terrorism charges against Catalan independence activist Carles Puigdemont. Magistrate Susana Polo made this decision after noting a procedural error: the judge investigating the case extended the investigation one day beyond the deadline authorized by law. This decision is subject to appeal.

The case, closed on Tuesday, was opened following protests in Catalonia in 2019, after several pro-independence leaders were sentenced to prison terms for their involvement in the 2017 secession attempt. Protesters then attempted to take over Barcelona airport, leading to violent clashes with police and significant damage.

Carles Puigdemont has been in exile abroad since 2017. Other ongoing proceedings still prevent his return to Spain. The former president of Catalonia, who hopes to benefit from the amnesty law voted on May 30 by the Spanish Parliament, is still in the justice system’s sights for an offense of embezzlement and is being investigated for high treason, an offense that does not fall within the scope of the amnesty law.

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