The Spanish government had already made it clear on Saturday that it was opposed to an expansion of the European mission Atalante, which has been fighting piracy in the Indian Ocean since 2008.
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Spain will not participate in the international coalition to protect maritime traffic in the Red Sea against attacks by Yemen’s Houthi rebels. A spokesperson for the Ministry of Defense told AFP on Sunday December 24. He did not explain the reasons for this refusal.
After several days of delay and obvious embarrassment, the Spanish government had already made it clear on Saturday that it was opposed to an expansion of the European mission Atalante, which has been fighting piracy in the Indian Ocean since 2008. Madrid then recalled that this operation is currently limited to Spain alone and to a single ship, the frigate Victoriawhile emphasizing that the recent resumption of acts of piracy in the area “requires maximum investment” of this mission. “The nature and objectives of the Atalanta mission (…) have nothing to do with those we aim to achieve in the Red Sea”also insists the ministry.
American policy dissatisfies part of the left
The government of socialist Pedro Sanchez considers for this reason “essential” creating a mission “new and specific” dedicated to the protection of commercial maritime traffic in the Red Sea. This ad hoc mission must have “a specific scope of action, means and objectives, decided by the competent EU bodies”assures the ministry, which adds that “Spain does not oppose its creation in any way”even if she refrains from participating.
According to the Spanish press on Sunday, Madrid’s refusal to get involved in this mission led by the United States is probably explained by internal political reasons. Pedro Sanchez must, in fact, deal within the government coalition with a radical left party, Sumar, very hostile to American foreign policy.