Spain passes law creating ‘menstrual leave’, a first in Europe

This measure is part of a much broader text which notably strengthens access to abortion in public hospitals.

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Great premiere in Europe. The Spanish deputies voted definitively, Thursday, February 16, a law creating a “menstrual leave” for women suffering from painful periods. This is an unprecedented measure on the continent, intended, according to the left-wing government, to break a taboo. It is part of a much broader text which notably strengthens access to abortion in public hospitals. This measure is already in force in other countries around the world, such as Japan, Indonesia and Zambia.

“This is a historic day for feminist advances”launched on Twitter the Minister for Equality Irene Montero, a member of the radical left formation Podemos, an ally of the Socialists within the executive.

With this law, “a woman’s work stoppage in the event of incapacitating menstruation” related, for example, “to pathologies such as endometriosis” will be “recognized as a special situation of temporary incapacity” of work. “It is a question of granting this pathological situation an appropriate regulation in order to eliminate any negative bias” for women “In the working world”adds the text. No details are given in the law on the duration of this sick leave, which must be granted by a doctor and will be financed by Social Security.

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