Spain, Greece… Southern Europe is suffocating


Video length: 1 min.


Article written by

franceinfo – Y. Madec, C. Alphonse

France Televisions

Like Spain and Greece, southern Europe is affected by an extreme heat wave. Even at night, the mercury does not drop below 30°C.

For four days, Spain has been suffocating under extreme temperatures. The country is affected by a heat wave that hits southern Europe. “It’s unbearable, but with the air conditioning, we survive”says a man. “I prefer to sleep on the floor”explains another Spaniard. Even at night, the mercury does not drop below 30°C. Unable to sleep, many try to cool off with a midnight swim.

A peak of 45 ° C expected in Athens

In Greece, shady corners are being taken over in downtown Athens. It was 39°C at noon on Thursday July 13 in the capital. Despite the bottles of water distributed by the Red Cross, tourists are not spared by the heat. “It’s suffocating. We’re from Washington (UNITED STATES), where it is very hot, but it is not like that. It’s like you can’t find relief”, says a woman. This weekend, a peak of 45°C is expected in Athens. Many European countries will in turn pass the 40°C mark.

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