Space: Thomas Pesquet’s return to Earth postponed


Article written by

JC. Batteria, J. Chalouleau, F. Badaire, M. Le Rue – France 2

France Televisions

Thomas Pesquet and three of his partners will have to wait a little longer before returning to solid ground, the fault of the difficult weather. Its next water landing is scheduled for 4:30 Tuesday, November 9.

Within the international space station, however, everything was ready on Sunday, November 7. Thomas Pesquet and three of his partners had even made a final hug before the supposed departure to Earth. Unfortunately for them, their departure had to be postponed. 420 kilometers below, Atlantic winds and waves off Cape Canaveral, Florida (United States) prevented a smooth landing.

The separation of the capsule and theISS is now scheduled for Monday, November 8 at 8:05 p.m.. The capsule will be detached using a mechanical impulse. It will continue to revolve around the Earth for 7:30 at 28,000 km / h. The descent will then take place, with terrible braking when arriving in the atmosphere. Experts call this moment the “three minutes of terror”, during which the shield of the cabin can for example rise up to 2000 degrees. It is at 10,000 meters that the parachutes will open for a smooth landing planned at 4:30 Tuesday, November 9.

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