Space conquest: in the United States, a campus hosts a base simulation on Mars


Video length: 1 min.

France 2

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In Arizona, in the United States, a campus welcomed, on Wednesday May 10, four people for their first simulation of a stay on Mars. The journalist Loïc de la Mornais, present on the spot, returns to this project, which follows another project which was carried out here 30 years ago.

In the Oracle campus (Arizona, StatesStates), research is carried out on the conquest of space. “At this famous campus in Arizona, simulation experiences are resuming. Lunar base or Martian base simulations, such as a pressurized installation where four people entered on Wednesday May 10. A crew where there is also a blind person on board. The goal : be in complete isolation, and have a simulation probably a little more realistic than what was carried out here exactly 30 years ago, for the Biosphere 2 project”reports the journalist Loïc de la Mornais, present on the spot.

Projects “technically not credible” before “several centuries”

“At the time, eight scientists isolated themselves for almost two years in a gigantic biodome that houses mini-forests and even a mini-ocean. They learned a lot of scientific lessons, but also experienced failures, since they had notably lacked oxygen and especially food. Today, all the experts believe that this type of colony on Mars or on the Moon would not technically be credible for at least several centuries.concludes the journalist.

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