Southern Quebec | A first “widespread” snowfall on Wednesday

A first “widespread” snowfall is expected in southern Quebec on Wednesday, while about 5 to 10 cm are expected in Montreal and the Capitale-Nationale.

Vincent Larin

Vincent Larin
The Press

Environment Canada warns, however, that “given temperatures that will be near freezing and the still uncertain trajectory of the system, it is possible that these quantities will change by Wednesday”.

For the mountainous regions of Estrie and Beauce, the quantities could reach 20 centimeters.

And wherever it will fall, the snow could remain on the ground for a few days when fairly low temperatures are announced in the days to come, specifies the meteorologist at Environment Canada, Mariane Peltier-Champigny.

“From 5 to 10 cm, it’s not considered a storm, but since these are the first snowflakes for Greater Montreal, we’re sending out a special bulletin so that people get ready,” she explains.

Regions of eastern Quebec, including the North Shore and Gaspésie received their first snowfall of the season this weekend.

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