sounded and “heartbroken”, the world of cinema pays tribute to the actor

Broken heart“: the words of actor Pierre Niney sum up the sadness of the world of cinema after the disappearance of Gaspard Ulliel, who died Wednesday at the age of 37 in a skiing accident. “Gaspard was benevolence and kindness. Beauty and talent. Thoughts to his family“, tweeted Pierre Niney, who has in common with the deceased actor to have also played on the screen the great couturier Yves Saint Laurent.

Actress Alexandra Lamy has her “heavy heart“, as she posted on her social media.”I only keep these moments of joy from you, we laughed so much. You were beauty, kindness, talent, elegance, we will miss you so much“, she continues. The actors Jean Dujardin and Guillaume Canet posted a photo of Gaspard Ulliel on Instagram to honor his memory.

It’s immensely sad, so much kindness, talent, modesty, beauty in one man, hard“wrote filmmaker Xavier Beauvois on Twitter.

Xavier Dolan told him of his pain by listing the features of the actor, who had played under his direction in Just the end of the world : “Your discreet laughter, your watchful eye. Your scar. Your talent. Your listening. Your whispers, your kindness“.”It is your whole being that has transformed my life, a being that I loved deeply, and that I will always love. I can’t say anything else, I’m gutted, stunned by your leaving“, concludes the filmmaker on Instagram.

Partner of Gaspard Ulliel in the film by the Canadian director, Marion Cotillard evokes on Instagram his “pain so great“after this death.”How I loved knowing you. And I vibrated so much by your side. You were and you will remain, by what you leave us which is so immense and so deep, a wonder of a man“, adds the French actress.

French cinema today loses a passionate, a huge actor“, laments the Académie des Césars on Twitter. In 2017, Gaspard Ulliel received the César for best actor for Just the end of the world. The UGC cinema network also tweeted photos of the man who received the César for best male hope for his role in A long engagement Sunday in 2005.

Gaspard was from this new generation that was making the French cinema of the future. He knew how to choose his films, decide on the face of a career that never ceased to keep its promises“, greeted the Cannes Film Festival, which had welcomed the actor in 2019 for Sibyl, alongside Virginie Efira.

The Canal+ group said on its social networks “shocked“on the announcement of this”tragic disappearance“. Before regretting an “ihuge talent that knew how to move us and make us laugh, touch us“.”A man of rare kindness, with hindsight on his profession“, can we still read under the pen of Maxime Saada, general manager of the group.

Last night, the Alpe d’Huez Festival paid a moving tribute to Gaspard Ulliel.

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