sound frequencies, scam or miracle cure?


Video length: 5 min.

France 2

Article written by

M.Bougault, A.Belderrain, C.Pary, J.Montupet – France 2

France Televisions

Sound frequency content is flourishing on social networks and even on YouTube. They would be miracle recipes that would act on the well-being and the body of people. This masks above all manipulations, boasting of miracle cures.

scammers use more and more music to make money. Hundreds of videos on Youtube relay sound frequencies that are supposed to cure cholera, diabetes or AIDS. These videos have millions of views, and received rave reviews.

A death pages sells A pack of six sound frequencies for 149 euros. Behind this site, a man who presents himself as a sound medicine researcher. “I didn’t do medical studies, but I worked for the biggest professional music magazines (…). Je am a researcher, in the sense that I have tools that will allow people to understand how it works”, he says.

Music therapy can be used in hospitals

The so-called “miracle” frequencies are also available on the platforms musical, with ever more positive promises for the body. Elisten to frequencies to heal does not rest Nevertheless on no scientific basis. music therapy is certainly used by some hospitals, but only to relieve A sick, not cure him. According to Professor Pascal Leprince, thyet it has nothing to do with so-called miracle frequencies sold on the Internet. “I’m not saying it hurts, but it shouldn’t distract from the real treatment (…) it’s quackery”, he specifies.

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