SOS Médecins Mulhouse suspended until Monday morning, after the attack on a doctor during a home visit

A doctor from SOS Médecins was the victim of an attack in Mulhouse on Saturday August 27, learned France Bleu Alsace, during a home visit to a patient suffering from ankle pain. Arrived two hours after the call, he falls on the injured woman’s companion who reproaches him for having taken too long to arrive.

“Get out or I’ll kill you”, throws the man at him who then pulls out a dummy shotgun, loaded with balls. He shoots the doctor twice, wounding him in the back of the thigh. He calls the police. The tenant of the apartment was finally arrested and placed in police custody for “violence with a weapon” on a doctor. The very shocked practitioner was taken care of.

“It becomes an escalation that is not tolerable!”

Frédéric Tryniszewski, president of SOS Médecins Mulhouse

at franceinfo

In the process, SOS Médecins announces that it is exercising its right of withdrawal, and suspends its home consultations until Monday morning, 8 a.m. On-site consultations are still permitted, but only by appointment.

The president of SOS Médecins Mulhouse, Frédéric Tryniszewski, expressed his anger on Sunday August 28 on franceinfo. “The event is too serious not to react”, especially since “there are few places where there is still the subsistence of interventions by doctors at home”, he underlines. “Verbal attacks, we suffer regularly. But from there to death threats with a weapon!”is indignant Frederic Tryniszewski. “OYes, it was a posteriori a dummy weapon. However, the person pointed a shotgun type weapon in front of the doctor who was the victim of two shots in the thigh. So it was just plastic balls, luckily for him. But nevertheless, there were still two shots and the doctor had no idea what weapon it was.”

The Minister of Health Francois Braun condemned the attack and expressed his support in a tweet on Sunday morning: “I strongly condemn the inadmissible aggression of an SOS Médecins doctor yesterday in Mulhouse. I send him all my support, as well as his relatives and all the teams”he wrote on the social network.

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