For electoral campaigns in the United States, candidates traditionally rely on lobbies, networks, interest groups, etc. The Democratic candidate for the White House can count on her membership in her university sorority.
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On the day she was sworn in as vice president at the White House, Kamala Harris touched her pearl necklace. More than just a piece of jewelry, a symbol: that of the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority, her sorority, the one she joined during her studies at Howard, the largest historically black American university, in Washington.
>> “Washington d’ici”, the French-speaking public radio podcast on the American presidential campaign
Black fraternities were created out of an observation of the exclusion of black students at the beginning of the 20th century, who were rejected from traditional fraternities frequented by whites. Alpha Kappa Alpha is the oldest of nine black fraternities, united under the name “the divines”. They bring together more than three million people, men and women, all highly qualified, who swear a mutual commitment for life around common values for society. For Kamala Harris, joining a sorority was a turning point.
“Harris comes from a mixed couple, and by joining a historic black sorority, she chose to affirm her identity as a black woman.”
Andra Gillespie, American political scientistat franceinfo
“Black fraternities and sororities are very involved in civic issuescontinues Andra Gillespie. Their members continue their commitment throughout their adult lives. This is a group that is not only mobilizable but also has the power to mobilize. The sorority Harris comes from supports her, but the others are also working hard to recruit volunteers to get her elected.”
During the previous election in 2020, the nine “divines” also managed to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars by calling on their members to make donations for Joe Biden, once Kamala Harris was chosen as his running mate.