Sophie Thalmann: Mother-daughter evening with Charlie, 16, her spitting image

Who said that small barge tours in Paris were only made for tourists? This Wednesday, June 29, took place one of the cruises Miraculous, in a nod to the cartoon of the same name. On the program: an immersive one-hour stroll on the Seine opposite the most beautiful historical monuments of Paris with the two heroes Lady Bug and Chat noir. At the boarding in the middle of the week was the actress Shirley Bousquet, with her family! Rare fact, the star ofsuch a big sun had come accompanied by Charles-Henri, the man who shares her life and their 4-year-old son, Soren. But it’s not just the ex-actress of Under the sun who had relied on his children.

Miss France 1998 was also there! Indeed, Sophie Thalmann, 46, blond mane golden by the last rays of the sun, red jogging, white t-shirt and sneakers on her feet, had brought her daughter with her: Charlie, 17 years old. And no doubt, to see their resemblance, the young woman is indeed her mother’s daughter! Slender figure, dream hair and a smile to die for, Charlie inherited his mother’s genes. It remains to be seen whether she will follow in her footsteps in the world of Misses.

Charlie is the first fruit of love born between Sophie Thalmann and Christophe Soumillon, a 41-year-old jockey with whom she shares a passion for horses. The host then gave birth to two boys: Mika, 13, and Robin, 5, whom she gives news (much too cute) on social networks. If the life of parents has not always been easy for the lovebirds, Sophie Thalmann and Christophe Soumillon have stuck together: “I’m not idle with the race to appointments with specialists: my daughter is dyscalculic [trouble de l’apprentissage numérique, ndlr] and my son is dyslexic” she confided last year.

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