Sophie Tapie atomizes the Paris Match journalist who revealed the debts left by her father after his death!

It is a Paris Match investigation that is making noise. The weekly devotes 8 pages in its issue of Thursday, February 10 to Dominique Tapie, the widow of Bernard Tapie, who died a few weeks ago from cancer. The journalist in charge of this investigation reveals that on his death, the businessman sold a heritage of 300 million euros to his wife and children. Problem: the former Minister of the City also left behind him 600 million debts, linked among other things to litigation in the Crédit Lyonnais affair. An amount that his wife Dominique Tapie would no longer be able to pay according to Sophie Des Déserts, a senior reporter at Paris Match :I think she was unaware of the extent of the debts after the disappearance of her husband, until the end he thought that he would have reversed the course of justice, he was waiting for this criminal judgment from which he had great hopes and he died 48 hours before”, she revealed on the set of It’s up to youthis Wednesday, February 9.

Sophie Tapie reacts violently on Instagram

Revelations that are not at all to the taste of Sophie Tapie. The daughter of the former OM boss reacted on her Instagram account and posted a violent message against Sophie des Déserts. “How did you fall so low? 8 glossy pages, very laborious. So far from your old books! I imagined you more talented“, first launches the 33-year-old singer before denouncing “a feather squeezed between three fingers“, “a very dangerous weapon that can do so much damage, a gun of sticky ink that splatters, smears, grinds“.

Let’s print monstrous pages! That’s what works, of course […]. Ah all this beautiful juicy info, hand-picked for months. For you they seem delicious but disgust more than one believe me. Because the soul of people is not hollow and dignity cannot be bought. Suffering is often silent and out of modesty it does not spread.”, concludes Sophie Tapie.

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