Sophie Prégent will leave the presidency of the Union des artistes in March

President of the Union of Artists (UDA) for 10 years, Sophie Prégent indicated on Tuesday that she will not seek a new mandate during the next elections this spring. In the process, the actor and musician Pierre-Luc Brillant announced his candidacy to take over.

Mme Prégent explained in an interview that it was time for her to pass the torch and that she did not want to “get embedded in her duties”.

These last ten years have not been easy, she admits. “There was the #MeToo movement with several waves that affected our environment, she recalls. There were laws to revise and of course a pandemic. All of that put together is a lot of work. »

She came out of it “grown up” and said she was particularly proud of having carried out certain major projects, in particular of having contributed to the Act respecting the status of the artist and to a better representativeness of society. “I have worked a lot for cultural diversity and parity. It was very white for a long time and we didn’t even have parity. But it’s not over, we still have to work for the audible minorities. Anyone with accents needs to be more present. We also need better representation of sex and gender diversity,” she points out.

For the rest of things, Prégent intends to remain at the UDA but as an administrator, in order to ensure the best transfer of files.

She also assures that she does not want to get into politics, at least for the moment. Instead, she intends to devote time to her acting profession as well as to her family.

Involved for a decade in defending artists, Sophie Prégent has never stopped playing. It is currently found in the detective series Alertsbroadcast on TVA.

A first application

Hardly had his departure been announced in the media on Tuesday, comedian and musician Pierre-Luc Brillant announced that he would present his candidacy to take over from Mme Pregent to the presidency of the UDA.

“My passion for the many and profound issues that concern Quebec culture can not find a better way to express itself than within the UDA”, he underlined in a message published on his Facebook account afterwards. -noon.

He also made a point of expressing his “admiration” and “gratitude” to the outgoing president who, according to him, “demonstrated an extraordinary commitment, not only to have the value of the work of artists recognized, but also to spread our culture at home and beyond our borders. »

Pierre-Luc Brillant began his career at an early age. He acted in several films, including Piggy bank, combinations and Co., CRAZY., The Disappearance of Fireflies and No chicane in my cabin. He also held several roles on the small screen, notably in Plan B, Our summers, The breakaway, A hard timeor District 31.

During the last provincial elections, in the fall of 2022, he campaigned with the Parti Québécois in Rosemont and came third in the ballot.

No other candidate has yet publicly come forward for the presidency of the UDA. The electoral period officially begins on February 20 and the elections will be held at the end of March.

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