Sophie Marceau teases, a Daily journalist heckled by the actress during a report… The sequence is worth the detour!

Every week on Fridays in particular, viewers of Day-to-day discover the section “The Mondaine” which is focused on people news. Facing the camera, Clémence Majani and her team dissect all the festivals and chic evenings popular with public figures. It must be said that the daily life of stars fascinates as much as it intrigues. But investigations don’t always go as planned. This Friday, January 21, 2022, journalists from “The Mondaine” infiltrated a Parisian hotel in which icons of French cinema had met.

In the corridors of the establishment, Clémence Majani and her colleagues ended up crossing… Sophie Marceau. In one sequence, they even accompany him in an elevator. Challenged by the microphone of Thibault Dautrevaux, the actress ended up recognizing him despite his mask. “You are known you!”, she launched. “We see you in all the subjects of Quotidien. You are the star in fact, it is you”.

What Clémence Majani replied, hilarious: “It’s Thibault!”. “It’s Thibault”, added the actress, cheerful. The journalist even got a wink from him. In the process, Clémence Majani clarified that he was a young dad. A detail that had the merit of intrigued the ex-companion of Cyril Lignac. “Ah yeah ? But you’re not a young dad every time?” the star had fun. More or less accurate information. “The trouble begins”, added Sophie Marceau who seems to know a lot about the subject.

In the city, the artist is the mother of two children named Vincent and Juliette. Sophie Marceau has always done her best to protect them from the media. “I protect myself from too much exposure, because I am exposed in spite of myself, and that, I find that unbearable”, she confided to Madame Figaro. “When you are photographed without your knowledge as soon as you leave your house and drones park in front of your windows, there is enough to withdraw into oneself, right? It’s all the time, it’s continuous, I don’t even know what they have in their stocks or in their archives… What should I do? Take a gun and shoot the drones? I don’t have a gun”. In short, poignant confidences…

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