Sophie Marceau lives an “uncomplicated romance”: as a couple, she remains discreet about her companion

Since its first steps in The party, a cult film that made her a star in France, actress Sophie Marceau fascinates the general public who have been dissecting her career and her private life for decades. Her fans will no doubt be delighted for her to know that, on the heart side, she is today a woman in love.

It is indeed in the pages of Paris Match that we have confirmation that she is indeed in a relationship while she avoids appearing on the arm of a man, preferring to live her romance away from the spotlight. In his new film titled I Love America, his character goes to Los Angeles to take a step back after a tragedy and take the opportunity to start dating apps. In real life, there is no need for her to go through this and for good reason: her heart is not to be taken on date. “In real life, the one who, according to her words, has practically never lived alone, is not looking for love: she has found it. His relationship with an entrepreneur and director of Parisian theaters seems to balance it out like simple happiness. An uncomplicated romance, finally“, write our colleagues who met the 55-year-old star in full promotion.

Last January, Paris Match already lifted the veil on the identity of the new companion of Sophie Marceau. This is Richard Caillat, a well-known theater producer in Paris, who runs no less than three theatres: the Théâtre de Paris, the Théâtre de la Michodière and the Théâtre des Bouffes Parisiens. A meeting between the two which dates back to 2020. Richard Caillat is also at the head of his own company Arts Live Entertainment which was launched in 2010 and he also chairs the association of graduates from the Euromed Management school.

During her love life, Sophie Marceau lived great stories, especially with the late director Andrzej Żuławski, father of her son Vincent. She was also in a relationship with Jim Lemley or more recently Cyril Lignac.

Find the portrait and confessions of Sophie Marceau in Paris Matchon newsstands Thursday, March 17, 2022.

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