Sophie Marceau back… in Hollywood! Playmate costume, naked scene and dating apps

On March 11, 2022, Sophie Marceau will be back in a new romantic comedy! On Wednesday evening, the actress took to her Instagram account to unveil the film’s trailer I Love America, which will stream on Amazon Prime Video. A tantalizing foretaste, in which the actress navigates between humor, love, convertibles, palm trees and… a playmate costume.

Good morning all. Glad to see you on March 11 on @primevideofr for a little trip to California in I Love America, the next film by @lisazuelos. I hope you’re doing well. I kiss you. Sophia“, she writes on Instagram. In this rhythmic trailer, the comic scenes follow one another and Sophie Marceau appears sunny and light. The 55-year-old actress thus reconnects with a romantic comedy character.

The Caesarized star interprets the role of Lisa, who decides to change her life by leaving Paris for Los Angeles. Her children have left the family nest and her famous mother, absent all her life, has just died: Lisa therefore needs a fresh start! There she finds her best friend Luka (played by Djanis Bouzyani) who has made a success of his career in the United States by setting up a famous drag queens bar, but his sentimental life is as complicated as it is abundant. Luka makes it her mission to help Lisa relaunch her long-dead love life by creating a profile for her on a dating site. Between awkward meetings and an unexpected story with John, Lisa understands that the real meeting is with herself, if she manages to forgive the one who was her first love… her mother.

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