Sophie Ferjani mum: the sad consequence of Maison à vente on her family life …

It has been fourteen years since Sophie ferjani shares her tips for building a perfect cozy nest. Since the launch of House for sale, she indeed accompanies Stéphane Plaza to the four corners of France to help families in distress. At the same time, the pretty 44-year-old redhead runs her own decoration shop in Marseille where she lives. In short, projects that take up a lot of his time. But for Sophie Ferjani, the most important thing is of course her family, she who is the happy mother of three children, Achille (15 years old), Gabriel (10 years old) and Célestin (6 years old).

To care for his tribe of boys, the interior designer can count on the unfailing support of Baligh who she’s been married to for 20 years. They are my priority, I will adjust my day according to that. We must be organized, like all parents today. (…) My husband manages very very well. He has always woken up to ensure every other bottle at night, he has always changed diapers, he has always dressed them in the morning to go to school, he has always had homework done … always does exactly the same job as me without any distinction. When I was away he always managed, without any problem“, she confided in the podcast of Leisure TV, TV women.

Sophie Ferjani’s repeated absences, however, have sometimes caused her harm. In particular, she revealed that she was very sorry to have missed the first birthday of her eldest child because of her job. A miss that served as a lesson. “It was when the first was just a year old for the first shoot of House for sale and I blamed myself a little. It taught me not to say ‘yes’ to everything on TV. My priorities are my family life and my children. If I had to do it again, I would have asked to postpone the shoot. At the time, I did not dare, it was the beginning, the first shootings. I was given these dates, I said ‘yes ok’. My son went to my parents. I received the photo where he was blowing out his first candle. It made me ache in the heart and that’s what made me say ‘never again’“, she explained.

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