Sophie Davant “unapproachable”? A deal buyer breaks the silence

Sophie Davant not nice? If the 58-year-old host has enjoyed great popularity for many years on the small screen – and now in newsstands! -, it regularly happens that his attitude is pointed out on social networks or in OFF in the media world. Just a rumor? A buyer ofDeal done evokes how the star of France 2 can be perceived at first sight.

Interviewed by Sud Radio, the young Belgian buyer in her thirties, Aurore Morisse, recounted her arrival on the show and her discovery of the host. “At the beginning, it is complicated for everyone. We understand why by knowing it, it gives the feeling of being unapproachable and untouchable“, she related according to comments reported by Gala. But, according to the young woman, it would not be a natural coldness that Sophie Davant would release but rather a way of “protect notoriety.A public figure since the late 1980s, she probably knows only too well that there are downsides to being famous.

Aurore Morisse, who herself learned about fame, explains: “People come to see us thinking they know us because they see us on television, but we don’t know each other.“Thus, the stars are often disturbed in moments of intimate life, both at the supermarket and in the street or even the airport, as Laurent Ruquier can testify. So many are those who stop for a few photos or autographs, to over time, it can be tiring. And, like everyone else, it sometimes happens that they have a bad day and are not the most pleasant to be around, as Anne Roumanoff had admitted, traumatized by a taxi driver who had lit it in a book. For the buyer, Sophie Davant put herself “a barrier (…) It is her own barrier to feel safe.

Previously, it was the media collector Pierre-Jean Chalençon, ex-buyer of‘Deal done, who had not been kind to the facilitator. “Sophie Davant, she allowed herself to arrive by motorcycle taxi. We were refused it after a year, supposedly because it was too expensive. Above all, it must be said, we didn’t even have a dressing room, us buyers! Our dressing rooms were where Sophie Davant went to the toilet. We had a little fridge with mice and rats. We could not rest, if not in the decor. With the audience scores we had after a year or two, anyway…“, he had confided, also to Sud Radio.

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