Sophie Davant reveals her tips for staying positive in winter

Do you have low morale? S, Sophie Davant’s magazine gives you her advice for surviving winter.

The days are getting shorter, the temperatures are dropping… It would be seriously depressing if Sophie Davant wasn’t there to coach you! The host’s 13th issue asked several experts to reveal their tips for keeping fit and in good spirits. To stay positive, even in winter!

Do not miss the editorial files: meeting between Sophie Davant and Zazie, tutorials for the holidays, new techniques for getting rid of dark circles, puffiness and crow’s feet, selection of gifts at low prices, getaway to London, stretching well-being… Without forgetting the psycho subjects: how to avoid family shouting matches at Christmas? Too good, too dumb: is it wrong to be nice?

The 13th issue of S, Sophie Davant’s magazine is available on newsstands this November 24, 2022. Also discover the subscription offers.

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